Have you ever seen a dishwasher which is also a vegetable garden? Do you know how to make paper with elephant poop? And talking about elephants, do you really think they’re afraid of mice? Do you want to discover the secrets of Mr Ollivander’s magic wands and also what restorers are doing with prickly pears?
You can learn all of this and much more at the Science Week and European Night of Researchers in Frascati, the hub, together with Rome, among the 19 locations from Parma to Palermo, from Matera to Carbonia, which will host LEAF – acronym for heaL thE plAnet’s Future – with approximately 400 events coordinated by Frascati Scienza.
Online registrations for the events in all the Italian locations involved are open from today on: the program, with events for all and events dedicated to schools, allows you to choose location, day, target, organizer (from over 30 partners). Starting from 18 September, with the launch event Scienza in Gioco at the former Latin paper mill in the Appia Antica Regional Park, in which the four worlds inspired by video games will be explored (Biodiversiland, Castello di Zero Pollution, Regno dell’Economia Circular, Antro dei Climate Change), a week of scientific fun for everyone begins (download the complete press release in italian here).
Also for this year FVA-New Media Research will attend the initiative with online and live activities, hands-on labs for children and adults, and many other curiosities about the bioeconomy and bio-based products.
> Thursday 23 September 2021: Course for primary school teachers: Teaching the circular bioeconomy to children
From 4:15pm to 6:15pm
The seminar for primary school teachers is proposed as part of the European Biovoices and Transition2Bio projects. It aims to increase knowledge of the bioeconomy and bio-based products. The bioeconomy concerns the production of renewable biological resources and the conversion of these resources, as well as those coming from the waste management cycle, into products with high added value, such as food, bio-based products, bioenergy, etc.
Thanks to the participation of researchers and experts, the course will explain to teachers what is meant by bioeconomy and what bio-based products are, in order to provide them tools and materials that they can reuse with their students. Moreover, the children’s book “Let’s discover the Bioeconomy”, created by the Biovoices project, and some simple experiments contained in the volume that you can replicate with your own classes will be presented.
Participating teachers will receive a copy of the book for each pupil in their class.
register here